Educational complex, Kyiv
Gymnasium А+
Gymnasium А+ continues the complex of educational institutions at Residential Complex Comfort Town. The school’s building is made in achromatic colours contrasting with the surrounding apartment buildings.
8 330 м2
Square meters
HumanThe school offers space for both the academic process and leisure of not only the children but also their parents.
BusinessAn autonomous heating and air conditioning system helps save money on the school building’s maintenance.
UrbanThe school building does not place a burden on the city’s grid and receives energy without emitting greenhouse gases or contaminating the environment.
Service types
Detailed design documentation
Detailed design documentation
Project of reinforced concrete structures
Dmitry Laptev
Metal construction project
Promstalkonstruktsyia Corporation
Technological project
Vt. Yatsyn Technological Bureau
Interior design
Svoya Studio
Project of fire protection systems
Rubezh Firm LLC
Landscape Design
Beloded Landscaping
KAN Development
Ukraine, Kyiv, 14 Berezneva St
Awards and recognitions
Baumit "Facade of the Year 2019" - Winner in "Administrative building and a building for social and cultural purposes"
Build School Project 2019 - Gold diploma in the nomination "The best project of new construction"
1st place -
Architecture of public,
and state buildings
Ukrainian Urban Awards 2019
Architecture of public,
and state buildings
Ukrainian Urban Awards 2019
Eastern Europe Real
Estate Project Awards
Public property of the year
Estate Project Awards
Public property of the year
Atlanta construction - 2st place in the category of "Сreativity and innovation" 2018
Best Education Project 2018
AMF Acoustic Range by Knauf
AMF Acoustic Range by Knauf
World Architecture Community 32 cycle – Winner in WA Realised Award
NUAU "Prostir" laureate in the nomination: Houses, buildings and edifices
- The site has many limitations of both insolation and sanitary type
- The building’s roof is asymmetric and has free slopes, continuing the theme of Comfort Town’s sloped roofs
- The school’s achromatic facades emphasize the contrast with surrounding colour buildings
- The building’s main expressive techniques are its shape and textures of finishing materials (metal, plaster and basalt)
- The building’s hallways do not have dead ends but create a square-ring around rooms and recreational areas
- The teacher’s lounge is designed in the open space format, offering comfortable conditions for internal talks, lectures and skill improvement
Facts and details:
- The gymnasium accommodates 600 students
- The cafeteria caters to not only the schoolchildren but also their parents
- The school has a 200-seat assembly hall plus another lecture auditorium
- Two gyms suitable for various sports
- The school’s area includes a greenhouse and a small garden plot
- 160 wells, 60 meters deep each, for a geothermal heat pump supply both heat and cooling to the school, thus ensuring that the school has an autonomous heating system